Coronavirus cooking is like a messed-up version of 'Chopped'

Last week, I was making dinner for my fiancée and me. I had thawed two pieces of chicken. That much was decided.  From there, the dish was a mystery. I looked around the kitchen and shrugged. Soon enough, I'd have to venture back out into the world to gather more supplies, but for now, we were stuck with what we had.  I saw a can of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce. Another can of pickled jalapeños. Half a can of diced tomatoes in Tupperware in the fridge. A little garlic. And, like lots of other Americans, we had copious amounts of rice. I'd have to make it work.  I love to cook. I'm relatively skilled at it, compared to your average home cook. And, in the weirdest way possible, cooking during the coronavirus pandemic has been a fun way to put those skills to the test. (Minus the pandemic part, of course.) Read more...More about Watercooler, Food, Cooking, Coronavirus, and Coronavirus Emergency

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