Clever 'remix' of book on history of racism is essential reading for teens

Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You opens with a declaration that countless young readers will love.  "Before we begin, let's get something straight," writes author Jason Reynolds. "This is not a history book. I repeat, this is not a history book."  Those young readers can't be blamed for believing otherwiseStamped is based on the award-winning book Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America.  That academic account, written by professor and historian Ibram X. Kendi, spans more than 500 pages. It traces how the emergence of racist ideas — namely that Africans were inferior to white Europeans — was tied to justifying slavery. Kendi meticulously tracks how those concepts arrived in America and evolved over time to rationalize racist policies like segregation and Jim Crow laws.  Read more...More about Racism, Activism, Social Good, Identities, and Activism

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